As a responsible organisation, we take this very seriously as part of our culture to care for the health and safety of whoever is in our premises at all times.
Fire drills are important for several reasons :
It can save lives – not knowing what to do or where to go can cost lives through indecision and delays in the event of a fire. By conducting regular fire drills as a part of our culture every year without fail , this enable our staff to become familiar with our emergency procedures.
Eventually people will be able to evacuate more quickly and safely since they are less likely to panic.
Effectiveness of existing emergency procedures can be studied and if necessary, any improvement plans can be constructed thereafter.
If emergency procedures are ineffective, serious and deadly consequences can and will occur in a real fire. Our emergency procedures are regularly tested to see if they work and we are able to witness effectiveness of available escape routes.
If things don’t go according to what is planned , a fire drill allows us to revise existing procedures.
Testing of existing warning systems where we can verify:
– The alarm system actually functions according to requirements and as per specifications when they were installed.
– People can hear the alarm distinctively from any part of the site , even in isolated areas such as toilets.
Staff members such as designated fire wardens who are assigned specific roles will be able to make use of practical exercises in order to remember what they need to do
in the event actual fire happens. Other occupants will know where to go to rightaway if real fire actually occurs.
Our fire drill involved :
1. Nominated observers to go monitor and taking notes of good and bad practices during the fire drill
2. Ask a member of staff at random to set off the alarm
3. Timing of how long it takes for people to evacuate
4. Observe people’s actions and any difficulties during the drill including slowness, bad behaviours
5. Carry out a roll call at the assembly (muster point)
6. De-brief and feedback with everyone for improvement plans on existing fire risk assessment
We like to thank our local fire department who worked with us on this day to ensure our fire drill operation went smoothly without any major issues and for their advice and guidance in this exercise.